
Apple tree blossom in the Buckligen Welt, © Wiener Alpen, Luckerbauer

Spring in Austria’s “Bucklige Welt”

Blossoming in the land of 1000 hills

Austria’s “Bucklige Welt” unfolds its full splendour at apple blossom time. A white sea of blossoms greets visitors, the scent of spring is in the air and the first tender spring feelings awaken.

Every season has its own charm – but when nature awakens in the land of 1000 hills in spring, it is a very special experience. The numerous apple trees reveal their most beautiful blossoms and the rapeseed provides sunny yellow colour in the landscape. The warm air, the lush greenery, the colourful blossoms, the fresh herbs – all this has a positive effect on the mood of guests and hosts.

Bucklige Welt Apple Cider

The white blossoms are the first harbinger of the awakening of spring. The apple blossoms produce high-quality fruit, which is later used to make “Bucklige Welt” apple cider. Now, in spring, the first cider taverns are open, where you can look forward not only to cider and apple juice, but also to homemade specialities – often also “to go” for enjoyment at home.

Spring sun on your skin

Everyone looks forward to the first warm rays of sunshine on their skin, which can be enjoyed on a leisurely bike ride or hike outdoors. One especially beautiful option now are tours with views over the countryside with its white and yellow splashes of colour from apple blossoms and rape.

Culinary treats

Those who are already looking forward to the first spring herbs are in particularly good hands with herbalist Gerda Stocker. Traditional inn cuisine meets wild herbs and fruits, including for at home or on the road with the herbalist on a truly special hike: spring really feels at home here!

Enjoy spring in the Bucklige Welt

Spring cycling tours